Work center in Subotica for young disabled persons – Opening

Otvaranje Senzorne sobe u Kraljevu
Opening of Sensory room in Kraljevo
“Abused” was played in the National Theatre in Zrenjanin
Otvaranje Senzorne sobe u Kraljevu
Opening of Sensory room in Kraljevo
“Abused” was played in the National Theatre in Zrenjanin
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Work center in Subotica for young disabled persons – Opening

Work Center is designed for people over the age of 18, who can not be employed either under general nor under special conditions. This Center will enable work engagement as a therapeutic activity for people with disabilities, that will improve the quality of their lives and the lives of their families, and contribute to their greater involvement in community life. Also, this opens possibilities for earning pocket money and in the next stage, for income generation once this work center becomes social entrepreneurship.

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