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Otvaranje Senzorne sobe u Kraljevu
28/11/2014U prostorijama škole „Žarko Zrenjanin“ u Subotici otvorena je aktivna senzorna soba za podršku deci i osobama sa smetnjama u razvoju. ADRA je finansirala i realizovala projekat, a svesrdnu pomoć pružilo je osoblje udruženja „ZaJedno“. Tim povodom na YuEco televiziji gostovali su školska defektološkinja Anika Liščević i Igor Mitrović iz Adre. Bilo je reči o tome na koji način upotreba ove jedinstvene senzorne sobe pomaže psiho-motornom razvoju dece. Istaknuto je da ova soba ima i veoma specifičnu namenu – da osim učenicima same škole ona bude od koristi i svoj deci iz Subotice koja nisu u prilici da koriste druge senzorne sobe, a naročito deci od 0 do 5 godina.
Active sensory room has been opened in the premises of school „Zarko Zrenjanin“ in Subotica. ADRA has donated and implemented this project. This was the occasion Mrs Liscevic, the school defectologist and Igor Mitrovic from ADRA were guest in the live show at local TV station. The topic discussed were the benefits of the sensory room on the psycho-motor development of children with disabilities. Also, it was highlighted that this room should be open to all children who have support of defectologists but cannot access other sensory rooms, especially the youngest, from 0 to 5.